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Electric Car : Car of the future!

19 March 2020
Electric Car : Car of the future!

Electric Car : Car of the future!

The word “electric car“, the clean automobile for many including mainly the green ones, currently includes several designs which agree on the same principle which consists in using an electric motor for their propulsion or total or partial. In other words, it works thanks to a battery or a fuel cell supplied with electricity.

However, their differences lie in their autonomy and the rate of CO2 emissions.

Currently, you will have the choice between these three concepts:

  • Plug-in hybrid cars

    (PHEV in English for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle).

    They have a heat engine for their propulsion on the road, and an electric motor for city traffic. The power is supplied by batteries which are recharged when they are in motion by the alternator attached to the heat engine, and by a standard outlet, even at home when they are stopped, or on public terminals.

  • Range extender cars

    (EREV: Extended Range Electric Vehicle).

    These cars are powered by an electric motor which is supplied by batteries with an important capacity and which is kept charged by a small alternator unit. Thanks to this system, it has a fairly long autonomy time, and its consumption on the road is less than two L of fuel per 100 km.

  • All-electric cars (BEV for Battery Electric Vehicle) with battery and electric motor.

They have large capacity batteries which must be recharged when the mains supply is stopped. They are rather intended to circulate in town, given that their autonomy is still reduced.

However, these electric cars are still little used and this comes down to their slightly salty cost, their mass and the life of their rechargeable batteries. Each system of cars mentioned has advantages and disadvantages. Their development is taking place in parallel, like petrol and diesel cars which currently coexist and which are in constant competition.

However, today, the thermal engine EREV is considered to be the best alternative. This vehicle combines the privileges of the thermal car: autonomy, cost … and those of the fully electric car in the city: energy efficiency and limited air contamination.

Past and present

Contrary to some preconceived ideas, the production of electric cars is not new. Indeed, the very first automobile which had driven at 100 km / h in 1899, was electric.

For a century, electric vehicles have not been able to lag behind thermal cars, due to two major handicaps: insufficient autonomy and a fairly high cost


This is the weak point of electric vehicles. But, as the world is increasingly faced with the threats of devastating climate change and increasingly aggressive urban air pollution, battery developments over the past decade look promising, encouraging designers and major brands to develop the electric car

The cost

The overly expensive cost of high-performance batteries in the electric car is a major handicap.

However, the additional purchase cost can be partially recovered by the savings. That could be made later by opting for electric mobility. And this will be done in terms of maintenance and / or fuel consumption. Indeed, electricity is relatively less expensive than gasoline or diesel. And sometimes, we offer a purchase bonus, particularly in France, to encourage people to buy electricity.

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