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Fearing stories to be talked after the night

22 April 2020
Fearing stories to be talked after the night

Fearing stories to be talked after the night

It’s witchcraft time with a dark, moonless night. You take turns huddling around a campfire with your friends to tell stories. Someone just told a particularly disturbing story about an encounter with a ghost, insisting that it was true. You sit quietly, looking into the flames, hesitant to suggest that it made your skin crawl. Fearing stories to be talked after the night. Then someone in the shadows clears his throat and begins to speak: “Did you hear the one on …?”

Hand licked

A young girl named Lisa often had to spend time alone at home in the evening because her parents worked late. They bought her a dog to keep her company and protect her.

One night Lisa was awakened by the sound of water drops. She got up and went to the kitchen to make sure the tap was turned off. Returning to the bed, she put her hand under the bed, and the dog licked it.

The dripping noise continued, so she went to the bathroom and made sure the tap was turned off there too. She went back to her room and put her hand under the bed, and the dog licked it again.


But the drip continued, so she went out and turned off all the taps. She came back to bed, put her hand under it and the dog licked it again.

The dripping continued: drip, drip, drip. This time she listened and located the source of the drip – it came from her closet! She opened the closet door and found her poor dog hanging upside down, his neck cut. Inside the cabinet, it said, “Humans can lick too!”

Fearing stories to be talked after the night


Who is hiding in the back seat?

One night, a woman went out for a drink with her friends. She left the bar quite late at night and started to go home on the deserted highway. She noticed a pair of headlights in her rear view mirror, approaching at a slightly faster rate than hers. When the car parked behind her, she took a look and saw the flashing light, the car was going to pass when suddenly she swerved behind her, stopped dangerously near her tailgate and made flash its lights.

She was getting nervous. The lights went out for a while, then the lights came back on and the car behind her jumped forward. The frightened woman struggled to keep her eyes on the road. Finally, she turned to the exit. The car continued to follow, periodically flashing its traffic lights.


At each red light and at every turn, the car followed it until it stopped in its driveway. She thought her only hope was to rush into the house and call the police. As she jumped from the car, the driver of the car behind her jumped, and he shouted, “Lock the door and call the police! Call 911!”

When the police arrived, the horrible truth was finally revealed to the woman. The man in the car was trying to save her. As he stopped behind her and his headlights illuminated his car, he saw the silhouette of a man with a butcher’s knife rise from the back seat.

Fearing stories to be talked after the night

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