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Persephone the queen of hells

22 January 2020

Persephone the queen of hells

The story of Persephone, the sweet daughter of Demeter who was kidnapped by Hades and became the queen of the world, is known all over the world. This is in fact the way of the ancient Greeks to explain the change of seasons, the eternal cycle of death and the rebirth of nature. Persephone is understood in the minds of people as a naive little girl who flows between the protection of the mother and the love of her husband. The myth of Persephone was very popular in Antiquity. And it is said that its history was represented in the Eleusinian Mysteries. It is the great private and secret festivals of ancient Greece.

Discover the myth of Persephone, the Queen of Hell

Découvrez le mythe de Perséphone, la Reine des Enfers

Discover the myth of Persephone, the Queen of Hell

The Abduction in Hades

The story of Persephone, the adorable daughter of the goddess Demeter was abducted by Hades. And later became Queen of the Underworld, is known worldwide. This is in fact the way of the ancient Greeks to explain the change of seasons. The eternal cycle of death and the rebirth of nature. Persephone is understood in the minds of people as a naive little girl who flows between the protection of the mother and the love of her husband. The myth of Persephone was very popular in Antiquity. And it is said that its history was represented in the Eleusinian Mysteries, the great private festivals

Discover the myth of Persephone, the Queen of Hell The abduction in hell According to Greek mythology

Persephone, the queen of hell, was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, the goddess of harvest and fertility. She was also called Kore, which means “young girl”, and she grew up and became a charming girl who attracted the attention of many gods. However, Demeter had an obsessed love for his only daughter and kept all men away from her. The most persistent suitor of Persephone was Hades, the god of the underworld. He was a tough, mature man, living in the dark, among the shadows of the dead. But his heart softened when he saw Persephone and was amazed by his youth, his beauty and his freshness.


When he asked Demeter to marry his daughter, Demeter got angry and said there was not the slightest chance that this would happen. Hades was heartbroken and decided to get Persephone no matter what. One day, while the girl was playing and picking flowers with her friends in a valley, she saw the most enchanting narcissus she had ever seen.

As she lowered herself to pick the flower, the earth beneath her feet suddenly opened and, through space, Hades himself got out on his chariot with black horses. Hades took hold of the charming girl before she could cry out for help. And went down into her realm of hell as the hole in the earth closed after them.


Persephone the queen of hells

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