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ADOPTEUNMEC COM – The supermarket for romantic meetings

25 April 2020
ADOPTEUNMEC COM - The supermarket for romantic meetings

ADOPTEUNMEC COM – The supermarket for romantic meetings

AdopteUnMec.com is based on the idea that women are responsible and can choose from an offer from me. The site was founded by Florent Steiner and Manuel Conejo in 2008 in France. By subscribing for free, women can consult the latest male profiles (“deals of the day”) and choose from the many “product categories” which also include a bonus section with options such as “body art”, “bisexual” and “good cooks”. ADOPTEUNMEC COM – The supermarket for romantic meetings.

Men can register for free and get in touch with the “new customers” on the home page if they wish. However, only privileged (and paying) members are allowed to connect during the coveted period from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. The subscription for men over 23 is $ 1 per day (for a minimum of 30 days) and $ 3/7 days for men under 23.

The boys who surf on Adopteunmec.com share a very pragmatic vision of the site. Some believe that men are still “treated as objects”, while others find that the portal is a reflection of our times, where there must be much worse. It’s a bit of a provocative website, “they admit. It’s a good way to get into our sexual and sentimental relationships today, where meeting people has become a very industrialized concept.

ADOPTEUNMEC.COM The supermarket for romantic meetings

It is a dark vision of this generation Y which everyone keeps talking about; all you need to be today is hype for a young girl to legitimately covet you. We also notice that it is much easier to attract the attention of a girl to the Adopteunmec.com website when you post that you live in Paris, as opposed to the suburbs. After all the laurels on which such a site rests are these little white lies that make your life more attractive and therefore more attractive.

While the boys we talk to on Adopteunmec.com seem to be cool, they don’t really seem to know how to handle the sparkling girls who rule the game. Today, a typical man is a hunter who adapts to new approaches to age, or which is encountered in digital supermarkets in this case.

It can be said simply that men are complicated around the world. But as for the girls, there is nothing really new that they have learned from experience.

ADOPTEUNMEC COM – The supermarket for romantic meetings

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